


To win exciting - Oupo Lai & FESCO China's white-collar workers change their own personal white [OK] to be returned to

white-collar workers to participate in saturday's final appeal oupo personal lai & fesco china tour event. activity started at 10, the color of pink gold and the venue is a lot of people place two types of layout is very exquisite. kuangpai pass to the camera in hand. the package is a different meaning this aupres house is beautiful. plastic materials, but the feeling is very good, and style-conscious metal surface of the package. many other new product launches in the same period, the liquid at the end of eyelashes and mascara to compare the grass of her family. i feel very good. very well with the lips using the beauty. i have carefully followed to participate in activities will not be taken. fault is discovered in the first game. four minutes, unfortunately, when our group of more than three minutes, one of the fastest two minutes in china please refer to one group of 20 groups of photos to find the most errors




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